To commemorate the arrival of Lord Shri Ram, the Executive Palace on VIP Road in Baguihati, Kolkata, was adorned with the radiance of 1100 lamps. A grand puja was conducted at the ‘Executive Palace Apartment Owners Association,’ akin to celebrations in various states across the country. The ceremony included the completion of Mahayagya, featuring the recitation of sacred mantras, and an offering of Mahaprasad comprising 101 kg of laddus to Ramlala, symbolizing the auspicious occasion.

Mr. Ankit Aggarwal, Secretary of the ‘Executive Palace Apartment Owners Association,’ expressed the collective joy and devotion shared by the residents during this golden moment. The entire apartment resonated with the spiritual atmosphere as 1100 lamps illuminated the surroundings. A significant number of Ram devotees partook in the puja and havan program, rejoicing in the divine festivities and relishing the Mahaprasad.

In celebration of the Maryada Purushottam Lord Shri Ram’s arrival, the Executive Palace in VIP Road, Baguihati, Kolkata, witnessed a grand spectacle. The radiant glow of 1100 lamps adorned the apartment, symbolizing the joyous occasion, accompanied by a Mahayagya with mantra chanting and an offering of 101 kg of laddus as Mahaprasad to Ramlala. The entire community immersed themselves in devotion, marking this auspicious day with a spiritual fervor that was shared by a multitude of Ram devotees who partook in the puja and havan activities.

The celebration also included the active involvement of key individuals such as M P Agarwal (Treasurer), Sanjeev Dudani (President), Ankit Agarwal (Secretary), Ram Awatar Agarwal, Manoj Binani, Krishan Awatar Agarwal, Ashish Tekriwal, Arun Kr Agarwal, Abhishek Jain, Abhinav Basu, Amit Agarwal, Ashish Tekriwal, Aman Agarwal, Lalit Daga, Shanky Jain, Ashok Kr Agarwal, Keshav Binani, Binod Tekriwal, Shankar Prasad Dudani

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